Because our world is never Black and White I thought I would give you a few more sides to choose from. All the images were unwittingly supplied by the Marvel Directory.
Be the envy of your friends with bad puns and inappropriate humour.

That? Is brilliant.
*clap* *clap* *clap*
Well played, Jon. Well played, indeed.
Glad someone liked them.
That is hilarious. My personal favorite --- I'm with the InBetweener. I'm with U-Man comes a close second.
Great stuff, man, great stuff. My love for all things Dan Slott makes me wish you'd gone with an alternate "I'm With Awesome Andy" phrasing insteas. Or possibly "I'm With The Mad Thinker's Awesome Android (but I call him Awesome Andy for short)"
Regardless, "I'm With Her" is just plain brilliant.
Just... awesome. I'm With Her, I'm With It, I'm With Cancer... the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe - Deluxe Edition hasn't been put to such good use since 1986 or so.
Glad people are getting their kicks. I thought it was kind of funny but not too many people share my sense of humour.
That’s amazing, the Official character book of the Marvel Universe. I think “ advertising agency ” can help this post to reach many people because there are number of people in the universe who likes it.
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