Friday, November 03, 2006

Wednesday's Loot - 1 November 2006

Yes, Wednesday's feature on Friday - because nobody demanded it. Sorry, I've been a bit busy.

52 Week 26
Halfway through and we see The Question taking up his mentor role again with Renee. After all these weeks I’m still wondering why, and where this is going. I’m still in love with the mad scientist island. The bug robots, the fact that there’s armed guards to deal with haywire bugbots, the cheesecake posters and the geek stereotype usually reserved for comic store owners being pawned off onto another male dominated profession. And who would have thought that dinner with the Sivanas would be like dealing with east coast money? I loved their comedy of manners and the fact that only in 52 a comedy of manners contains serving robots constantly bursting into flames and a crocodile man who just wants to be friends.
I rate this comic: Still good with its weekly little doses of fun.

Agents of Atlas #4 of 6
I’m not sure what I like better. The fact that I’m reading a retrofitting exercise that is still entertaining as a story or that on the list of Atlas fronts there wasn’t just Atlas Robotics but Atlas Pottery Shack as well. This is great spy-team stuff with the perfect blend of punching, cheesecake, gorillas and aliens to make me happy. It’s pretty much what I’d like from my comic book miniseries.
I rate this comic: The only Marvel book I’m reading it seems.

Mouse Guard #5
Another fine issue that makes me really happy and smug that I started reading this series since its inception. It is one of comic’s finest examples today. Everything from the format to the art to the simple childlike wonder of the story make this essential reading for me. I feel like too much time passes between issues and I tend to rush through each book as they come out. Still, they are light but with a feeling of density to them. It’s hard to explain. Beautiful artwork that looks kind of like Beatrix Potter was asked to do art for Tolkein. The story is being revealed more and more with each issue with tension mounting and larger action both happening and being set up. We are on the climb towards the inevitable big confrontation between a pretender to the throne and the honourable mice guard.
I rate this comic: The best comic about mice and a mystical axe wielding warrior.

Detective Comics #825
I really enjoyed the purple prose of Alfred in this one but his plot device role seemed a bit ham fisted to me. I do enjoy that relationship between Alfred and Bruce but it seemed a bit off that the guy who moments ago could determine footprints burned into the ground after an explosion couldn’t remember basic chemistry. That aside I feel this issue does continue a lot of what Dini was setting up as far as getting Batman back to his core and the expounding villain was a very nice touch that makes this comic feel like it understands its own history. I do think there is a bit of room for improvement but the core is very strong so as McGraw gets more comfortable with the structure and his characters we’ll see some Batman stories. I do like his take on Batman and Alfred – even the Commissioner seemed right on, for his brief moments.
I rate this comic: A decent start for a new team.

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